AdaptWater Tool

NCCARF have developed ‘AdaptWater’ an online climate change analysis tool.

For more information click here.

Community Recovery Toolkit

The Office of Emergency Management has developed a Community Recovery Toolkit to assist local councils and agencies involved in the provision of recovery services following a disaster.

To access the Toolkit click here.

Water Sensitive Cities Toolkit

The Cooperative Research Centre for Water Sensitive Cities has developed a Water Sensitive Cities Toolkit.

For more information click here.

SCCG Emergency Management Health Check Tool

Sydney Coastal Councils Group developed an Emergency Management Health Check Tool for Local Government, with funding provided by the Office of Emergency Management.

The outputs included an online Tool which provided reports to councils on completion. The online version of the tool and its functionality are no longer available, following project completion due to the ongoing cost burden.

A hard copy offline version (no reports provided on completion) can be downloaded.

SCCG Climate Ready Tool

As a component of the Sydney Coastal Councils Group ‘Sydney’s Salty Communities Program’, SCCG engaged CSIRO to prepare the Climate Ready Tool to assist councils in designing and managing biodiversity projects in the face of climate change.

To accompany the Tool a Business Case was developed using Waverley Council and its East Coast Banksia Scrub as an example of how the tool can be applied to a real life biodiversity management situation.


NSW Litter Prevention Kit

The NSW Litter Prevention Kit released by the NSW EPA in 2013.