Water Sensitive Sydney Summit

The Water Sensitive Sydney Summit was held on 21 February 2018 by the City of Sydney. This summary provides a summary of the outcomes of the Summit.

Coastal and Marine Management Discussion Paper

Example of a discussion paper from the Northern Territory Government on ‘Our Coast and Seas’ Coastal and Marine Management.

Liveable Cities – The Benefits of Urban Environmental Planning

This Report was released in 2007 by the Cities Alliance, including ICLEI.

The Effects of Beach Scraping on the Infauna of New Brighton Beach Northern NSW

The Report entitled ‘ The Effects of Beach Scraping on the Infauna of New Brighton Beach Northern NSW’, was prepared for Byron Shire Council in 2011 by Stephen D.A. Smith, Matthew A. Harrison and Jennifer Rowland, National Marine Science Centre, Southern Cross University.

SCCG – Beach Sand Nourishment Scoping Study

In 2010, AECOm was engaged by the Sydney Coastal Councils Group to prepare a Beach Sand Nourishment Scoping Study on ‘Maintaining Sydney’s Beach Amenity against Climate Change Sea Level rise.

A Local Government Framework for Coastal Risk Assessment in Australia

In 2016, the National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility (NCCARF) published the Final Report ‘ A Local Government Framework for Coastal Risk Assessment in Australia’.

Climate Change Risks to Coastal Buildings and Infrastructure

In 2011 the Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency published a supplement to the first pass national assessment ‘Climate Change Risks to coastal Buildings and Infrastructure’.

Planning for Climate Change

The NSW EDO has published a report entitled ‘Planning for Climate Change: How the NSW Planning System can Better Tackle Greenhouse Gas Emissions’.

Where Should All the Trees Go?

In 2017, 202020 Vision released it’s report ‘Where Should All the Trees Go?’. This report provides a National Overview on urban canopy and urban greening opportunities and implications as well as a report for each individual State and Territory within Australia.

View the 202020 Vision website here.

How to Make Cities More Resilient

In March 2012, the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction released ‘How to Make Cities More Resilient: a Handbook for Local government Leaders’.