SCCG Funding Guide 2025

SCCG published a funding guide annually to provide councils/community with a list of grants available to fund environmental projects/programs.

Coastal Erosion in NSW: Statewide Exposure Assessment

The Department of Planning, Industry and Environment has recently released the ‘Coastal Erosion in NSW: Statewide Exposure Assessment’.

The NSW Estuary Tidal Inundation Exposure Assessment

The Department of Planning, Industry and Environment has recently released ‘The NSW Estuary Tidal Inundation Exposure Assessment’.

Policy and Guidelines for Fish Habitat Conservation and Management

In 2013 NSW Department of Primary Industries published the ‘Policy and Guidelines for Fish Habitat Conservation and Management’.

Guidelines for Disaster Resilient Communities

The Planning Institute of Australia published a document ‘National Land Use Planning Guidelines for Disaster Resilient Communities’.

Floodplain Risk Management Guidelines

The NSW Office of Environment and Heritage includes information and guidance on floodplain risk management. Click here for more information.

WSUD Guideline – Transport Projects

NSW Roads and Maritime Service have developed a Water Sensitive Urban Deign Guideline for Transport projects.

Climate Change Adaptation Guidelines in Coastal Management and Planning

The National Committee on Coastal and Ocean Engineering have released best practice guidelines for Climate Change Adaptation in Coastal Management and Planning.

Environmentally Friendly Seawalls

A Guide to improving the environmental value of seawalls and seawall-lined foreshores in Estuaries. Published by OEH and CMA, 2012.

Guidelines for Sand Nourishment – Science and Synthesis Report

Guidelines for Sand Nourishment have been developed through the Office of Environment and Heritage Coastal Processes and Responses Node. The Report provides guidance on artificial sand nourishment to improve beach amenity and/or increase protection for backshore assets. ‘It may be a standalone measure for protection, or be used to improve the beach amenity in combination with other adaptation measures such as a seawall’.