What is a CMP?

Watch our education video to find out more about what a Coastal Management Program (CMP) is and it’s role in providing a long term strategic plan for the management of our coasts and estuaries. To access the video, click the download button located on the right.

The NSW Estuary Tidal Inundation Exposure Assessment

The Department of Planning, Industry and Environment has recently released ‘The NSW Estuary Tidal Inundation Exposure Assessment’.

Sydney Harbour Estuary Processes Study

The Sydney Harbour Estuary Processes Study was undertaken in partnership with Greater Sydney Local Land Service, Office of Environment and Heritage, Sydney Institute of Marine Science and City of Sydney Council. The study report published in June 2018 contributes to Stage 2 of the Greater Sydney Harbour Coastal Management Program (detailed studies of vulnerabilities and opportunities) to fill gaps in current knowledge about the coastal management issues affecting Sydney Harbour.

The Study report and associated appendices are available for download below:

Sydney Harbour Estuary Processes Study Report

Appendix A. Sydney Harbour Water Quality Improvement Plan;

Appendix B. Sydney Harbour Catchment Model;

Appendix C. Sydney Harbour Delft 3D Model Report;

Appendix D.1 A Systematic Review of Science 2014; Appendix D.2 Sydney Harbour Background;

Appendix D.3 Our Harbour Our Asset; Appendix E. Sydney Harbour its Diverse Biodiversity