Crown Lands Coastal Resources

Coastal resources developed by Crown Lands, NSW Department of Planning and Environment

What is a CMP?

Watch our education video to find out more about what a Coastal Management Program (CMP) is and it’s role in providing a long term strategic plan for the management of our coasts and estuaries. To access the video, click the download button located on the right.

Coastal Erosion in NSW: Statewide Exposure Assessment

The Department of Planning, Industry and Environment has recently released the ‘Coastal Erosion in NSW: Statewide Exposure Assessment’.

The NSW Estuary Tidal Inundation Exposure Assessment

The Department of Planning, Industry and Environment has recently released ‘The NSW Estuary Tidal Inundation Exposure Assessment’.

MyCoast NSW Study

The MyCoast NSW Study was undertaken by UNSW in partnership with the Sydney Coastal Councils Group and NSW Surf Life Saving, and funded through the joint State and Commonwealth Natural Disaster Resilience Program.

The MyCoast NSW Study explores what the New South Wales community understands about coastal erosion and coastal inundation, as well as the driving forces behind these hazards: sea level rise and severe coastal storms. In this context, it highlights community knowledge, perceptions, values and attitudes of NSW coastal communities in relation to ‘their coast’ and key themes related to associated management issues and strategies.

The purpose of the MyCoast NSW Study was to provide an evidence-based platform that will assist local governments and coastal management professionals in the future development of suitable and effective educational strategies and programs to help improve the ability of NSW coastal communities to adapt sustainably to the risk of coastal erosion and inundation.

Project resources including a final report, factsheets and a study guide for high school teachers are available at, or can be downloaded below:

MyCoast NSW Study Report;

MyCoast NSW Factsheet 1;

MyCoast NSW Factsheet 2;

MyCoast NSW Factsheet 3;

MyCoastNSW Factsheet 4;

MyCoast NSW Teachers Guide

Sydney Harbour Estuary Processes Study

The Sydney Harbour Estuary Processes Study was undertaken in partnership with Greater Sydney Local Land Service, Office of Environment and Heritage, Sydney Institute of Marine Science and City of Sydney Council. The study report published in June 2018 contributes to Stage 2 of the Greater Sydney Harbour Coastal Management Program (detailed studies of vulnerabilities and opportunities) to fill gaps in current knowledge about the coastal management issues affecting Sydney Harbour.

The Study report and associated appendices are available for download below:

Sydney Harbour Estuary Processes Study Report

Appendix A. Sydney Harbour Water Quality Improvement Plan;

Appendix B. Sydney Harbour Catchment Model;

Appendix C. Sydney Harbour Delft 3D Model Report;

Appendix D.1 A Systematic Review of Science 2014; Appendix D.2 Sydney Harbour Background;

Appendix D.3 Our Harbour Our Asset; Appendix E. Sydney Harbour its Diverse Biodiversity

Integrated Infrastructure into Urban Coastal Resilience

In 2013, The Nature Conservancy developed a report on ‘Integrated Infrastructure into Urban Coastal Resilience‘.

Coastal Management Toolkit

The Coastal Management Toolkit accompanies the Coastal Management Manual and can provide resources to assist in developing/implementing a coastal management program.

To access the Coastal Management Toolkit click here.

Climate Change Adaptation Guidelines in Coastal Management and Planning

The National Committee on Coastal and Ocean Engineering have released best practice guidelines for Climate Change Adaptation in Coastal Management and Planning.

Information Sources on Coastal and Estuarine Hazards

Sydney Coastal Councils Group has developed an Information Resource which provides sources of information, data, and tools for each of the seven hazards listed in the Coastal Management Act.

This resource is a working document and by no means inclusive of all available information. If you know of sources to add to this document please email