What is a CMP?

Watch our education video to find out more about what a Coastal Management Program (CMP) is and it’s role in providing a long term strategic plan for the management of our coasts and estuaries. To access the video, click the download button located on the right.

AdaptWater Tool

NCCARF have developed ‘AdaptWater’ an online climate change analysis tool.

For more information click here.

Climate Change Adaptation Guidelines in Coastal Management and Planning

The National Committee on Coastal and Ocean Engineering have released best practice guidelines for Climate Change Adaptation in Coastal Management and Planning.

Climate Change In Australia

Online climate change information and data resource provided by CSIRO and the Bureau of Meteorology.

Go to the Website at https://www.climatechangeinaustralia.gov.au/en/


AdaptNSW is a website resource developed by the Office of Environment and Heritage to provide information on climate change impacts and adaptation.

Go to the AdaptNSW website for more information.



CoastAdapt is a website resource developed by the National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility (NCCARF) to assist councils and other stakeholders to build capacity and knowledge on climate change, coastal management and adaptation.

Go to: www.coastadapt.com.au

SCCG Climate Ready Tool

As a component of the Sydney Coastal Councils Group ‘Sydney’s Salty Communities Program’, SCCG engaged CSIRO to prepare the Climate Ready Tool to assist councils in designing and managing biodiversity projects in the face of climate change.

To accompany the Tool a Business Case was developed using Waverley Council and its East Coast Banksia Scrub as an example of how the tool can be applied to a real life biodiversity management situation.


Sydney’s Salty Communities Program Factsheets

A series of factsheets were developed under the Sydney’s Salty Communities Program including;

  • Connecting people and nature in urban landscapes
  • Engaging communities – tackling weeds
  • Adaptation and the climate ready tool
  • Blue carbon
  • Planning for climate change adaptation
  • Fox management in southern sydney

SCCG – Beach Sand Nourishment Scoping Study

In 2010, AECOm was engaged by the Sydney Coastal Councils Group to prepare a Beach Sand Nourishment Scoping Study on ‘Maintaining Sydney’s Beach Amenity against Climate Change Sea Level rise.

Climate Change Risks to Coastal Buildings and Infrastructure

In 2011 the Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency published a supplement to the first pass national assessment ‘Climate Change Risks to coastal Buildings and Infrastructure’.