The Sydney Coastal Councils Group (SCCG), in partnership with Transport for NSW (Maritime), Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW) and NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS), launched its Little Penguin education video, which aims to improve education of the boating community around protections in place at Spring Cove in Sydney Harbour.
The SCCG urges all small recreational watercraft operators to follow the boating rules in Spring Cove, Manly, designed to protect this critically endangered population of Little Penguins.
SCCG’s Executive Director, Sarah Joyce, was recently featured in an interview on ABC Radio to discuss the Little Penguin Recovery Program, which can be listened to below.
For more information on the Little Penguin Recovery Program click here. Admin Admin2024-08-19 01:19:522024-08-21 06:38:12Little Penguin Recovery Program Featured on ABC Radio
The SCCG is proud to support Plastic Free July, an important initiative dedicated to reducing plastic pollution and promoting sustainable practices. By encouraging individuals and communities to refuse single-use plastics, the initiative aims to create lasting change that benefits both our environment and future generations.
SCCG’s advocacy for litter prevention aligns with the Plastic Free July campaign. Clean beaches, coastal areas, and waterways free from plastic are essential for the health of our marine ecosystems and the enjoyment of public spaces.
While the campaign is a month-long initiative, the principles it promotes should be embraced year-round. SCCG encourages everyone to continue their efforts beyond July, making plastic reduction a permanent part of their daily lives.
Join SIMS at Q Station, Manly, for the SIMS National Science Week Event on Tuesday, 13 August! This event will explore the theme “Species Survival – More than Just Sustainability” through the integration of Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK) in marine science. Highlights include a panel discussion on TEK integration, a tour of the endangered seagrass Posidonia restoration site, and a presentation by the Sydney Seahorse Project on their conservation efforts. Enjoy engaging conversations, food, and mingling with marine science experts. Don’t miss this opportunity to dive deep into the future of species conservation!
Order of proceedings:
Posidonia Tour (4:00 PM): Begin your journey with a guided tour of the Posidonia restoration site led by SIMS’s Project Restore. Learn about the restoration efforts for this endangered seagrass and gain insights on the cultural history of the site from Rowena Welsh-Jarrett. RSVP for the Posidonia tour here:…
Pre-Event Mingling (5:00 PM): Arrive early to enjoy a poster session showcasing marine research projects and network with fellow attendees.
Official Proceedings (5:30 PM): The evening kicks off with a Welcome to Country and stories from Indigenous Elders, setting the stage for a meaningful exchange of knowledge and perspectives.
Panel Discussion (5:50 PM): Join our expert panel as they explore the integration of Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK) in marine science. The panel will provide insights from a range of expertise and take a look at the history of Sydney harbour and Gamay, the conservation initiatives within and analyse the effectiveness of TEK integration in order to provide insights to enhance two-way knowledge exchange in marine science.
Sydney Seahorse Project Presentation (6:30 PM): Discover the innovative approaches of the Sydney Seahorse Project in conserving endangered species. Learn how the project integrates the perspectives of Traditional Owners and empowers the next generation through conservation efforts focused on White’s seahorse and their habitats.
Post-Event Mingling (7:00 PM): Conclude the evening with food, drinks, and further engagement with marine research posters and scientists. This is an excellent opportunity to connect with marine science professionals and enthusiasts.
Expert Panel Composition & key topics:
Professor David Booth: Insights into the history and restoration initiatives of Sydney Harbour.
Ms. Rowena Welsh-Jarrett: Fostering meaningful dialogue with Traditional Owners.
Dr. Victoria Cole: Reintroducing native flat oysters into Gamay and experiences collaborating with Traditional Owners on shellfish restoration.
Dr. Mitchell Gibbs: Moderating the panel and sharing insights from his recent Fulbright scholarship in the US, collaborating with Australian and North American First Nations people on shellfish knowledge.
Don’t miss this chance to be part of an inspiring conversation on species conservation. This is a unique opportunity to support and advance effective two-way knowledge exchange with Traditional Owners in our own backyard! Admin Admin2024-07-29 01:31:412024-07-29 01:31:41National Science Week with SIMS: Integrating Traditional Knowledge and Marine Science
With penguin breeding season underway, the Sydney Coastal Councils Group (SCCG) is urging all recreational watercraft operators to follow the boating rules in Sydney Cove, Manly, designed to protect a critically endangered population of Little Penguins.
A monitoring report prepared by the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW) revealed the continuing poor results of breeding population numbers, which have reduced considerably at Manly. The monitoring results for the 2023-2024 season show that there are currently 19 breeding pairs, a reduction in last year’s results.
The SCCG’s Executive Officer, Sarah Joyce, said that these numbers are the lowest recorded and urgent action needs to be taken to address the range of threats so that we can see the population recover.
One of the key threats to the population is boat strike. The SCCG, in partnership with Transport for NSW (Maritime), Northern Beaches Council and NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS), wants to increase awareness of the boating rules in Spring Cove to reduce this threat causing the death of more Little Penguins. Boats are encouraged to watch SCCG’s education video which identifies the various rules put in place to protect the population including speeding limits and areas to avoid anchoring.
Finally, a message from Erica Mahon, Senior Threatened Species Officer with DCCEEW on the future of Little Penguins in Spring Cove.
“There is always hope for the Little Penguin population but we need everyone to pitch in to make sure these penguins have a future here in Manly” Ms Mahon said.
Simple boating rules for Spring Cove, Manly:
Reduce speed to four knots or below when entering North Harbour, Manly
Be extra careful at dawn and dusk
Don’t anchor in seagrass beds
Don’t bring dogs or cats onto beaches
The Little Penguin education video can be viewed below:
Raw footage of the Manly Little Penguins for news purposes available below:
The New South Wales Environment Protection Authority (EPA) has unveiled a significant funding opportunity aimed at revolutionising waste management practices at the local level. With a commitment of $10 million over five years, spanning from 2023 to 2027, the Local Government Waste Solutions Fund seeks to empower councils across the state to address pressing waste management issues.
Under this initiative, individual councils can access grants of up to $200,000, while collaborations of councils have the potential to secure up to $400,000 in funding. These grants are designed to support the development and delivery of innovative projects such as the enhancement of waste management infrastructure, educational programs, and community engagement activities.
Round 3 of funding is expected to commence in September 2024. The aim is to foster partnerships and initiatives that promote efficient and environmentally sound waste management solutions tailored to local needs.
The NSW EPA’s Local Government Waste Solutions Fund underscores the agency’s commitment to partnering with councils to drive meaningful change in waste management practices. By investing in projects that address key challenges, the fund aims to create a more sustainable future for communities across New South Wales.
For further details and application guidelines, visit the NSW EPA website here. Admin Admin2024-05-29 05:18:182024-05-29 05:18:18Upcoming Grant Opportunity: Local Government Waste Solutions Fund
The purpose of the review is to determine whether the policy objectives of the Act remain valid and whether the terms remain appropriate for securing those objectives.
The SCCG reviewed the Consultation Paper and participated in feedback sessions hosted by LGNSW. The SCCG strongly supported the submission made by LGNSW which represents the views of Councils across NSW.
Generally, the SCCG considers that the BC Act is not achieving its objectives of no net loss of biodiversity, particularly in coastal and urban areas.
The NSW State Elections on the 25 March 2023 resulted in a win for the Australian Labor Party. The Premier, Chris Minns, announced his government’s full Ministry which in a first for NSW comprised a frontbench of 50% women.
Key Ministers relevant to the work of the SCCG include:
Minister for Energy, Climate Change, Environment and Heritage – The Hon. Penny Sharpe, MLC
Minister for Local Government – The Hon. Ron Hoenig, MP
Minister for Natural Resources – The Hon. Courtney Houssos, MLC
Minister for Agriculture (includes Fisheries) – The Hon. Tara Moriarty, MLC
Minister for Innovation, Science and Technology – The Hon. Anoulack Chanthivong, MP
The upcoming State Election presents an opportune time for political parties to review and reaffirm their commitment to sustainably manage our coast. As such, we have formulated key policy positions and associated recommendations that we believe are critical to ensure the SCCG and its member Councils can continue their important role in the management of beloved coastal and estuarine environments. These key coastal management issues are:
Establish a whole of government approach to climate change impacts, including coastal erosion, recession and sea level rise.
Provide greater support to the delivery of Coastal Management Programs which are critical to the ensure the long-term sustainability of our coasts and estuaries.
Formalise a catchment approach for our estuaries to ensure the threats to these highly valued areas are more effectively and efficiently managed now and into the future.
Breakdown barriers to sand nourishment by addressing the significant impediments to Councils who are responsible for our beloved beaches.
Establish a marine park for Sydney to improve the protection for marine biodiversity, ensure resilience in a changing climate, and better realise the tourism potential of marine sanctuaries. 22:24:482023-03-06 02:49:30SCCG Position Statement for the 2023 State Election
Have your say about shark mitigation in your region!
The NSW Government has invested over $85 million until 2026 to continue rolling out successfully trialled shark mitigation technologies along the NSW coastline.
Each year, the NSW Government checks in with beach users, coastal councils and other key stakeholders to understand community sentiment and confidence in the NSW Shark Management Program.
This annual survey seeks to measure sentiments about shark mitigation approaches currently used in NSW (see current program here) and confidence in the Program which aims to reduce the risk of human-shark interactions at ocean beaches while minimising harm to sharks and other marine life. 00:07:442023-02-02 00:07:44DPI Survey on Shark Mitigation at Ocean Beaches
Sydney Water has recently launched its 2022 community grants program – with a focus on healthy waterways, including keeping our waterways clean, stormwater in a built environment and safely enjoying our local waterways.
If you know a community group that share’s Sydney Water’s vision of building healthy waterways to create a better life for today and generations to come, then refer them here for guidelines, T&Cs and a link to the application form.
Applications close 5pm, 26 August 2022. 08:49:472022-08-02 08:49:47Sydney Water’s 2022 Community Grants for Healthy Waterways