Get the Site Right

March 2025 Blitz Month

Blitz Day – Thursday 13 March

Get the Site Right is a joint taskforce between the Parramatta River Catchment Group, Cooks River Alliance, Georges River Combined Councils Committee, Sydney Coastal Councils Group, Lake Macquarie Council, NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA), and Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure (DPHI), and more than 20 Sydney councils. We are working together to target developers and enforce best practice on commercial and residential building sites, as well as major infrastructure projects, to prevent erosion from building sites and protect our waterways and surrounding environments.

The next Get the Site Right Blitz Day will be held on 13 March, 2025 with participating councils as part of the month-long campaign. Watch the site for updates on progress.

Why should you care about erosion and sediment control on building sites?

The suburbs around Sydney’s waterways are booming. Our growing population and need for more housing, schools, roads and other amenities has seen a rise in new residential and commercial developments and construction, as well as increased public expectation for a quality, local waterway which we can safely use for leisure activities.

Did you know that up to four truckloads of soil from a building site can be washed away in a single storm if not properly contained? If sediment such as soil, sand, dirt and mud are not properly managed on building sites they can directly pollute our river and cause severe environmental problems, making it less safe for people to use.

How does sediment spills affect our environment and waterways?

  • Directly pollutes our creeks, river and harbours by filling them with dirt, soil, sand and mud. This leads to poorer water quality, affecting swimming or leisure activities in and around our waterways.
  • Destroys aquatic habitats and smothers native plants and animals that live our waterways.
  • Blocks stormwater drains leading to flooding and overflows.
  • Erodes creek and river banks.
  • Causes health and safety risks such as slippery roads and tripping hazards

Follow the rules

There are rules that developers need to follow to contain and manage sediment on their work site in a responsible manner. It is against the law to breach these rules. Local councils and the NSW Environment Protection Authority have the power to issue penalties with fines for individuals from $15,000 for the first offence and $22,500 for a second offence, and for companies $30,000 for the first offence and $45,000 for a second offence if water pollution occurs under the Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997.

Home builders and renovators

If you are building or renovating a home, submission of an Erosion and Sediment Control Plan is required before works begin. Ensure your builders are adhering to the rules. For more information, click here or contact your local council or the NSW Environment Protection Authority for further consultation.

Developers and builders

If you are a developer or managing a building site, download a quick summary of the facts or consult the NSW Office of Environment and Heritage’s ‘Blue Book’ for detailed rules and guidelines.


Sediment runoff can be reduced and prevented to give us cleaner, safer, and more scenic creeks, rivers and other waterways. This short webinar, which was prepared for Council staff participating in the campaign, explains the environmental impacts of sediment runoff on our waterways, and why we must ensure building and construction sites have effective erosion and sediment controls in place.


Report all pollution incidents to the NSW Environment Line on 131 555 or contact your local council.

‘Get the Site Right’ awareness campaign video:

Get the Site Right 2024 Media Releases

Get the Site Right Blitz Campaign Results

Details of past Get the Site Right campaigns can be found in the media releases below:

For any inquiries, please contact SCCG’s Office Manager, Thea Thompson, at