Groundwater Education Workshop Series and Materials


With the assistance of funding from the NSW Environmental Trust the SCCG engaged the UNSW Water Research Laboratory to deliver a series of free workshops, information and training on sustainable groundwater management targeting councils and industry in 2008.

Aim and Objectives

The aim of the Groundwater Education Workshop Series was to deliver a series of free workshops, information and training on sustainable groundwater management targeting councils and industry. The education materials (available below) provided at the workshop integrated information on the regulatory aspects of groundwater management with increased awareness of the dynamic nature of groundwater.

Outcomes / Outputs

The workshops covered the following groundwater related topics:

  • Groundwater Occurrence
  • Legislation, Policy and other instruments
  • Accessing Groundwater for Water Supply
  • Construction and Development
  • Groundwater Quality and Contamination
  • Groundwater Dependant Ecosystems
SCCG Groundwater Management Fact Sheets

Fact Sheet 1: Groundwater and the Sydney Coastal Region

Fact Sheet 2: Licensing Groundwater Spearpoints and Bores

Fact Sheet 3: Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems

Fact Sheet 4: Groundwater Mapping

Fact Sheet 5: Development and Construction

Groundwater Workshop Materials